Educational emergency in Tshopo: Saving the future of children in danger

Home Politics Educational emergency in Tshopo: Saving the future of children in danger

In the Tshopo region, an educational disaster took place with the closure of more than ten schools and the abandonment of more than 2,179 students due to the Mbole-Lengola intercommunity conflict. This crisis is jeopardizing the educational future of many children living in the urban-rural commune of Lubunga.

This dramatic situation was highlighted during a scientific day organized by the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Development and Education of the University of Kisangani (CRIDE), in preparation for the celebration of the International Day of African child. The researchers, professors, students and other scientific stakeholders gathered at this event underlined the urgency of finding solutions to allow students to return to school from the next school year.

Professor Norbert Ngoyi Mwepu from CRIDE insisted on the importance of proposing effective strategies to decision-makers in order to guarantee a return to normal in the region’s education system. It is crucial to act quickly to prevent the education of thousands of children from being further compromised.

The director of studies at the Athénée de Kisangani, Rex Bongala, highlighted the devastating consequences of the armed conflict between the Mbole and Lengola communities on access to education. Violent clashes have forced many families to flee their villages, leading to the closure of schools and depriving children of their fundamental right to education.

Faced with this humanitarian and educational crisis, Professor Dieudonné Kabudri called on the Congolese state to fully assume its responsibilities towards these children in danger. It is imperative to put in place adequate measures to guarantee the safety of students and ensure the continuity of their educational journey.

In conclusion, the alarming situation in the Tshopo province calls for collective and rapid mobilization to overcome obstacles to education. It is essential to protect the rights of children and provide them with an environment conducive to their development and education. The duty to safeguard the future of an entire generation rests on the shoulders of decision-makers and society as a whole.

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