Education sacrificed: the urgent call for international solidarity

Home Sociocultural Education sacrificed: the urgent call for international solidarity

In the heart of the Tshopo province, a sad reality is hitting the education system head-on: more than 2,179 students were forced to abandon their studies and around ten schools had to close their doors in the urban-rural commune of Lubunga. This dramatic situation arises from the intercommunity conflict between the Mbole and the Lengola, leaving behind the heavy price of sacrificed education.

The alarming figures revealed by the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Development and Education of the University of Kisangani (CRIDE) highlight the plight of these thousands of children deprived of their fundamental right to education. Faced with this sad observation, researchers, professors, students and other scientific stakeholders from CRIDE came together during a poignant scientific day, in order to think about emergency strategies to allow students to find their way back to school as soon as possible. the next school year.

The director of studies at the Athénée de Kisangani, Rex Bongala, deplores the devastating consequences of the armed conflict on children’s education, emphasizing the devastating impact of deadly clashes between communities in conflict. Abandoned schools, deserted classrooms, children forced to flee their homes: this is the sad picture that is emerging, portending a dark future for an entire generation.

In this desolate context, the urgency of government intervention is looming. Professor Dieudonné Kabudri calls on the Congolese State to fully assume its responsibilities in terms of education, so as not to compromise the future of these innocent children, victims of a conflict that goes beyond them.

Faced with this educational tragedy, the international community cannot remain insensitive. Education, an essential pillar of human development, must benefit from unconditional support to enable these children scarred by war to reconnect with school, a symbol of hope and reconstruction.

On this International Day of the African Child, our duty of solidarity and commitment to these sacrificed young generations is essential. Education, the intangible right of every child, must be preserved at all costs, in order to offer these children scarred by war the opportunity to dream of a better future, marked by peace and prosperity.

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